I've tried to install 2012 R2 on ML310e Gn8 v2 several times, but every time after the KB2919355 is installed, server goes in constant BSOD loop for 3-4 times. When it goes in 5th restart, then it enters automatic windows recovery and manages to boot in OS - unfortunately, after an hour or two, same problem appears (BSOD loop). I tried to search for solution and managed to find one: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/cbe63608-aab1-4ceb-8828-eb358ac766e4/windows-server-2012r2-fail-to-boot-after-installing-kb2919355-update?forum=winserver8gen
Generaly it is a problem is with B120i RAID controler driver -> i've replaced ver. (that is normally used fro 2012 R2) with the ver. (which is used in 2008 R2) and things are working great. Of course, this is just temporarely workaround so I'm wondering will the HP give some official solution for this problem?
Don't need to mention that BIOS and all FW are up to date, update has been done through intelligent provisioning.