Does anybody know where I can get a copy of the "HP USB Floppy Drive Key technologies technology brief"?
This document has been referenced in another post on this community support forum. See, for example, this post: Booting from USB Key . One out of date link is http://bizsupport2.austin.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01121465/c01121465.pdf . Another is http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01121465/c01121465.pdf
It seems that I'm looking for a PDF document whose filename is c01121465.pdf . Does anybody have a copy?
I am hoping that this document contains enough detail so I can write my own utility to bypass this nonsense.
Background context follows.
A MicroServer Gen8 won't boot a USB flash drive that has had a standard ISO 9660 image written to it. It needs to be written in a special, HPE-specific way using a special utility that is apparently available on the HPE website and in the SPP itself.
I need this to work so I can apply the SPP in the way I need. I also so that I can boot other ISO images.
This is a well known problem and I am now blocked.
I have checked all the usual things. I am using a USB2 port and a USB2 flash drive; I have set SATA AHCI mode in the BIOS; I have carefully adjusted the order of my boot devices, etc. The flash drives contain well formed ISO 9660 and carry standard headers. They boot fine on other machines.
I don't intend to install an optical drive.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all!!
Kind regards,