Hello guys,
I'm trying to install Windows server 2016 on a Porliant DL360 e gen8 on a raid1 config.
From Inteliggent provisioning I can only start with a disc (USB drive is not accepted) and the system only gives ne the option to choose server 2012. I selected "Server 2012" and inserted the key for the windows server 2016 and the install continued. After server reboot automatically after generating partitions and copying files, the windows installation suddently stops sying "Windows Could Not Complete The Installation...". When trying to boot from the dvd/usb win2016 image, to try installation, the Windows don't recognize the logical disl. It asks for a storage controller driver. Anyone knows hot to add this driver? I can't find it on HP sites. Only as .exe file.
Otherwise, is there any other way to install windows server 2016, or yous guys think it's not possible?
thanks in advance!