We have 2 brand new HP ML350 Gen9 servers that have been sitting unused in boxes for last 4 years. Now we have emergency and unboxed the servers for use. But they are both posting errors on boot: 313-HPE Smart Storage Battery 1 Failure - Battery Shutdown Event Code: 0x0400. and 313-HPE Smart Storage Battery 1 Failure - Battery Shutdown Event Code: 0x0404.
I replaced the smart storage battery in both servers. But this did not resolve the errors on either server.
I flashed every component in both servers to the latest on HP's downloads page. Currently the iLO is 2.7. Bios is 2.72. I have tried downgrading iLO to 2.55b also and fiddled with older versions, but the error continues on both servers. I have tried resetting RBSU to manufacturer defaults as well as system defaults with no success. I have reset iLO to default settings. Flipped the system maintenance switch to clear the NVRAM. And have run out of ideas on how to fix this. If it can be fixed. Are these brand new servers destined for the dumpster?
iLO System Information / Summary shows the Smart Storage Battery Status as Degraded.
iLO System Information / Power shows the Smart Storage Battery as Present: OK and Status: Failed.
The first ML350G9 server has 2x P440/4g controllers and one expander. The smart array failure error exists whether one controller is installed, or both.
The second ML350G9 server has a P840/4g controller.
If i unplug the smart battery, there is no error on post.
I even disassembled one of the smart array batteries, stuffed 2 fully charged new 18650's into them, popped it in the server (i know 100% those batteries are good) and same error. The only thing i can think of is that there is a failure code stuck somewhere (iLO? or BIOS?) that i don't know how to clear, but the server recognizes at boot.
I have nothing attached to the controllers except 2 SSD's and empty cages.
Any ideas? I need these servers functional in a big way, and their array functionality is crippled and not usable right now.