Saludos comunidad. recientemente adquirimos un servidor Proliant Ml30 Gen 10 P06785-S01 ya que el servidor que actualmente trabaja tiene daños que hay que repara. Quisiera saber si podemos instalar windows server 2019 standard sin licencias cal ya que por tratarse de una oficina pequeña y solo se trabaja con un sistema de manera local y la situación que actualmente vivimos en nuestro país no nos permite realizar muchos gastos. Si podemos instalar sólo el windows server 2019 standard con su licencia servidor nos basta. Gracias por su recomendación.
Google Translation
Greetings community. We recently acquired a Proliant Ml30 Gen 10 server P06785-S01 since the server that is currently working has damages that need to be repaired.
I would like to know if we can install windows server 2019 standard without lime licenses since since it is a small office and only one system is working locally
and the situation we currently live in our country does not allow us to make many expenses.
If we can install only the windows server 2019 standard with its server license, it is enough for us. Thanks for your recomendation.