I'm using HP server for HFT trading.
In HFT it's preffered to use single-processor config (no QPI latancy, no NUMA etc)
Recent processors offer up to 18(!) cores, this is enough for HFT in most cases.
So dual CPU config become RARE now. With recent processors people don't need DUAL-CPU configs.
Previously, in 2013, we were using dual-cpu config, because 6-8 cores is not enough. But with recent processors with 12+ cores we don't need dual-cpu config anymore.
However DL120 Gen 9 and even DL160 Gen9 still offer 105W cpu maximum.
I would like to buy performance, server, it must be fast, it must have dedicated iLO, it must support 130W+ cpu and it must be single-cpu.
If it is not possible to design such server, then at least it makes sense to create DL360 Gen9 pre-configured model with one fast processor (2690 v3 or 2695 v3 or 2697v3)