Yesterday I set a MEBx password on our new ProLiant ML10 Server, and even though I wrote it up I cannot login to MEBx today. btw. The password policy "special characters" isn't pretty user friendly unless one have an US keyboard.
However - now I need to reset CMOS to reset the password, but nobody at HP seemt to know how. I already had extensive contact with the support team as the first server came with an already set password. But nobody could help me.
Someone from the support suggested to remove the BIOS battery.
Some manuals speak about a (non existing) "F10 Setup"
The User Guide https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c04070849 mentions a "maintainance switch" but doesn't tell where it's located.
In the end I returned the server to my dealer and got a new one. But now I'm facing the same problem again.
So the 1 million dollar question is:
How can I reset the CMOS on a ProLiant ML10 Gen9?
Edit: I just found out that Caps lock was activated on my service keyboard (had no LED for that). So the password is correct.
However, the initial question still remains unanswered. It doesn't promote my confidence in a product if nobody can tell me how to use it :-(