A friend gave me a DL388P GEN8 which is really nice and on good condition.
The problem is that the drive is: 8 x 2,5 sata drive, and I have only 3.5 HD.
I bought on the web a 12x 3.5 harddrive bay, which is suppose to be compatible with the DL388P but isn t working.
I have few questions:
Do I need to plug 2 electric plug on the. 12x HD bay ? On the 8 2.5 bay I have only one electric plug...
Do I need to setup or install a driver ?
When I plug the POWER-A of the bay to the motherboard I got a blinking orange dot... I don t know if it s because I plug only POWER-A and not also POWER B ?
Do you have any suggestions? or Idea?
Thanks !