I have an HPE DL180G9 server, and it has ILO 2.70 I wanted to know if there is any one to improve security since my ILO has a direct internet connection, without going through any filter ... maybe there is some way to limit it to a specific ip that I can connect?
improve ILO security
Lost Lun from HP smart 420 controller
If this is in the wrong location please move.
For the past day i have been looking for information on Recovering a RAID 5 with 4 drives on a HP smart array 420(i)
LUN 1 : (Slot 1,2,3,5) has a logical Raid 5 with 3TB drives. LUN 2 : RAID+1 with 2 drives Slot 4,6
What i was trying to accomplish: remove 1 LUN (RAID+1 with 2 drives Slot 4,6) and Inserted one 6TB drive into Slot 6 and then (place a 3TB in slot 4 and expand my existing RAID 5 i never even placed the new 3TB drive)
Steps i took were:
I shut down the pc
pulled 2 drives out slot 4 and 6
placed a 6TB drive in slot 6 and left out slot 4.
Powered on Server, went to 420 controller config (F8), and i didn't see it say anything about deleting drives only to create a new LUN, and No logical drives were found. It just seemed to be like a New config. I created a RAID 0 with the 6TB drive and rebooted.
im hoping that someone can point me in a direction to the smart 420 controller specs or something and see if we can rescan these drives, or out how to recover the drives.
The drives have not been removed.
Anything that you can point me to or help me out on would be greatly appreciated.
SPP Yum Repo: What is "current"?
improve ILO security
DL60 Gen9 memory compatibility
Hello everyone,
I have HP DL60 Gen9 E5-2603v3, server (8 GB, P440/4GB, 4 x LFF - PN: P8Y75A). I need to add more 8 GB RAM, but I am not abe lto find the supplier, that is able to sell me new supported memory module. On the other hand, there are plenty of 8 GB modules for the newer servers - these modules have higher frequency. My first question: Is it possible to use any of those newer modules?
One of the suppliers offered me a non-original, compatible memory. So my second question: Does anyone has any experience with these non-original, compatible memory modules?
Information request
I need to know this technical information about Hpe_Compaq disks installed on servers DL 360 ( DISKS SPARE 508010-001 capacity 2Tb Sas )
The data I need is the maximum value of vibrations that the devices can withstand.
Thank a lot
Carlo Sala
DL380p Gen8 and E5 v2
Hello all,
i use a DL380p Gen8 und try to use a E5-2643 V2 but the Server doesnt start and the ilo overview determine the CPU as E5-2640. The Bios is from 2015. Is this Bios too old? What Bios i need for the V2 CPU?
best regards René
Ilo Amplifier 1.40 - Automatically add new hosts
I was able to add all server ILO ranges via ILO amp pack but i dont see an option to ensure new servers are automatically added. Under performance settings i see a refresh setting but that seems to applyto only existing servers. We dont want tio manually add servers every time
Help with RAID Drivers
Attempting to install Windows Server 2016 on a Proliant DL360e Gen 8.
The server has an HP Dynamic Smart Array B320i Raid controller.
Can anyone advise as to which driver to use?
I have grabbed every single file I can find related to the B320i. Server 2016 does not like any of them! There's a support contract in the works but I thought I'd try here while the contract is being processed.
Ilo Amplifier 1.40 - Automatically add new hosts
DL180 G6 fan noise and BMC SDR firmware number change
Hi. I've bought a DL180 G6 from eBay and have been really impressed with it EXCEPT for the fan noise. Reading a bit more can see that this is a tough issue to crack and the later versions (G8 / G9) have better fan control.
I tried messing about by fooling the fans into thinking there were 8 fitted and used wires to take signals from the other 4 (see the following link https://imgur.com/a/ydJaD#m3g4XSw ) and had success in dramtically lowering the noise but it did lead to the server shutting down randomly due to overheating.
I decided to put all 8 fans back in and test having 5,6 or 7 running and what volume of noise this would generate. During this testing a message popped up on one of the BIOS boots saying make sure non redundant fan cage in use and downgrading the BMC SDRR configuration from to
I was too slow to press the 'N' key and the downgrade occured. now only 4 fans are recognised and they run even louder (!) than the 8 fans previously.
My issue is that I want to use all 8 fans and go back to the updated BMC SDR Version I've tried flashing the BIOS and ILO and also factory default BIOS and BMC using the jumpers but no luck.gratefully received
Any suggestions?
Could Intelligent Provisioning 3 be any worse?
Trying to install Windows 2016. I cannot assign a volume size to the boot partition - it uses the entire drive. I cannot assign an IP address to Windows before it boots - it automatically uses DHCP. I cannot select a USB drive for the installation - must be a share. Windows only allows me to shrink the volume a small fraction, so I am stuck with a huge system volume. Our web blocker prevents the server from contacting HP for updates using a DHCP address, so the whole HP install fails. On top of all of that, the user experence / interface is confusing and down right ugly! What happend to HP? Such trash!
ML30 Gen10 Problem
I have purchased ML30 Gen10, then I wish to install the ESXi 6.7, however I note that ESXi doesn't support the Smart Array S100i, then I change the mind to install the Windows 2016, however which also cannot find the drive, and I have download the new driver and they are CP32846 / CP36435 / CP37222, although can find the driver on installation of Windows 2016, after load the drive still can't find the drive.
And I try to set the Intelligent Provisioning, it freeze on First Time set up Wizard, I am not idea how can I do with the server.
Too many runtime ECC errors SIMM
Hi All,
In one of our client Server DL580 G7 there is error pop-up and the server is getting hang, with too many runtime Errors in Array Controller. Kindly suggest
HPE DL20 Gen10 - Fan Noise
Hi. I have an HPE DL20 Gen10 server. I installed Proxmox but in order to do so, I had to activate SATA support.
I did this: https://h30467.www3.hp.com/t5/Servidores/INSTALACION-DE-PROXMOX-EN-SERVIDOR-HP-PROLIANT-ML150-G9/td-p/725722
From that moment, the fans started to work more, generating a lot of noise.
This is normal? Can you do something about it? Thxs.
Change Drive bay 2.5 to 3.5 on DL388P Gen8 ?
A friend gave me a DL388P GEN8 which is really nice and on good condition.
The problem is that the drive is: 8 x 2,5 sata drive, and I have only 3.5 HD.
I bought on the web a 12x 3.5 harddrive bay, which is suppose to be compatible with the DL388P but isn t working.
I have few questions:
Do I need to plug 2 electric plug on the. 12x HD bay ? On the 8 2.5 bay I have only one electric plug...
Do I need to setup or install a driver ?
When I plug the POWER-A of the bay to the motherboard I got a blinking orange dot... I don t know if it s because I plug only POWER-A and not also POWER B ?
Do you have any suggestions? or Idea?
Thanks !
All of our HP servers kicked into high fan speeds for no obvious reason at the same time?
We have three DL380 G10's in a hyper-v cluster. Two HP DL380 G9's. Two HP DL380 G8's. Two HP DL380 G7's. One HP DL380 G6... we have a P2000 G3 SAN, a 2040 SAN, and a 2052 SAN. I can't be sure about the san's fan's - but all of our servers suddenly kicked into high fan speeds today around 1:22pm CST. They all continued to spin up and slow down over the course of the next hour or so. Sounded like someone was opening the chassis, or it was rebooting in a sauna room.
Our Hyper-V cluster went down - all of our servers had black screens and were unresponsive. Two of our three hyper-v cluster servers suddenly came to life on the vga ports showing they needed some windows updates, but what would cause them to be unresponsive for so long and then suddenly return to a normal windows screen? The other one server in our 3 cluster farm I powered off manually to try to bring it back to life. It stayed at the windows spinning circle for 15 minutes before I pulled it's power again.
To get them working again, the only thing I did different to the servers was remove all their network connections. They use a 1gb port for heartbeat and have 4 10gb ports for all the hyperv and VM traffic. After they booted up without NICs, I plugged in their cables, and after a few minutes of stability rebooted each again for good measure.
I've left all the iLO ports unplugged for now thinking maybe we got hacked? I've upgraded the iLO firmware a few months back so we're not too far behind if at all. I'm just baffled why all of our HP servers started freaking out at the same time and all became unreponsive. One of our G9 computers I did NOT detach from the network, but it eventually came back to life as well... after a few more restarts life is back to normal without any indication in the windows logs as to what caused this fiasco. Since I still have the iLO ports disconnected - I'm going to wait until this weekend before I tinker with those and see the log files there to shed some light on maybe hardware failure?
It just doesn't make any sense that servers in different racks, on different circuits, on different generators and UPSes, all get hit at the same time? All become unresponsive to a direct keyboard and monitor... and all finally coming back to life after disconnecting NIC cards and restarting the windows 2016 datacenter OSes...
Anyone seen something like this before?
dl380e Gen 8 12LFF connect 12 sata ssd
i have server dl380e Gen 8 12LFF (669257-B21)
on board it have raid B120i i have only this raid on my server
i have basket (for 12 LFF HDD's) with back panel 647407-001 it connected with one cable (668319-001)
the question what i need to buy/replace to connect 12 SATA ssd drives?
i also have several hybrid tray caddy's (651314-001 with 661914-001)
I tried to connect sata ssd to mother board sata port, it work ok.
when i try to connect sata ssd with caddy (651314-001 with 661914-001) into basket the server can't find hdd's.
Can you help me with exact solution what i need to change in my server that i will have possibility to use 12 LFF ports for sata ssd drives in basket? thank you in advance.
CAche memory permanenly failed
Dear All,
We have a issue with one of our proliant DL 160 G9 server, which shows "the cache memory permanently failed". Even after replacing the smart Storage battery also the same issue shows. is that we need to replace the Cache Module, if so i need the proper part number. Kindly assit as its high priority.