Channel: ProLiant Servers (ML,DL,SL) topics
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Getting Centos to support HPE SUT and iLo amplifier


We are trying to use iLO Amplifier to manage servers with HPE SUT. The  Proliant and Apollo servers run the Centos operating system v7.

We have a problem in that on the iLO Amplifier dashboard we get the error - "SUT mode not supported. SUT not running. Host OS type not supported."

HPE SUT does support RedHat Linux. Is there a workaround to enable this functionality?

Look forward to any suggestions.

Kind regards


DL380 G7 - Won't boot after power outage


Hi everyone I'm hoping that one of you can help.  I've searched the internet and tried everything that I can find to fix this issue, I'm starting to think the mainboard is broken.

Server won't power on.  Initially everything is green then after a second power button goes amber and heartbeat LED lights up red.

So, lid off.. unplug riser chassis.. disconnect RAID card and cables.. Remove all but one RAM stick for CPU.. Swapped out CPUs, RAM, PSU backplane and PSUs from a known working machine.

Upon inspection of the Dip Switches only number 8 is "on". Inserting power to a PSU lights up status LEDs CR1 and CR7, after a few seconds CR7 goes out and CR1 flashes. Pressing power button at this point and CR1 goes to static green until server powers off after 1 second and then flashes green.

I have moved Dip Switch number 6 to on and removed the BIOS battery for 15 minutes. No difference.

I have moved Dip Switch number 1, 5 and 6 to on and removed the BIOS battery for 15 minutes. No difference.

Is my server toast??

Please feel free to ask for more details or pose a question or two.

Finding Drivers for New DL20 Gen10


Hi All!

Have just got my new DL20 Gen10 up and running on Standard Server 2019 but noticed in my device manager, 5 devices missing drivers and was wondering if anyone could help me out with them, please?

I've given the hardware IDs below.
I think one or two of them might be iLO

Base System Device


Base System Device


PCI Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Controller


PCI Device


PCI Simple Communications Controller


Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated!
It's proving difficult to just google these, there's some results around but they're for other servers on different OS.

Smart array p420i need to R0 to R1


Installed OS window server 2018 on HP PC having Smart Array P420i with RAID 0.

now we need to change RAID 0 to RAID 1 .

ist possible without loss of harddisk data ,if yes how to do.





HDD NHP en ML30 Gen10 no HP



I need to know if Does this server support hard drives other than hp? Can I install any type of hard drive without hot swapping?

Part number is P06781-425


ILO nicht erreichbar


Liebe comunity,

Seit windows10 bekomme ich keine verbindung mehr zu dem webinterface des ilo controllers. Weder per Browser noch per hp remote consolen tool. Mit meinem Telefon klappt das allerdings ohne probleme. Wisst ihr ob es da in Windows eine bestimmte Einstellung gibt oder einen Regestry Eintrag der dies verhindert?

Danke schon mal im vorraus.

ILO nicht erreichbar

HP Sum Remote Update through ESXi


I am trying to use the Smart Update Manager to remotly update firmware on a dl360 Gen9 on reading the documentation this should be possible using the cli interface so after getting many errors I saught assistance from HPE Support who simply advised to insert the iso to the ilo of the machine and run it from there.

My end goal is to intergrate this as part of a powershell script (of which i have the code to call the smartupdate) but the remote update fails even using the verbose logging it does not give much information.

This is the string that is passed from powershell.

smartupdate /v /s /target **esxi host ip here** /user root /password ***Password Removed*** /vcenter_host *Vcentre IP Here* /vcenter_username **vcentre user** /vcenter_password ***Password Removed***  /use_location E:\

I am using Smart Update Manager 8.4.0."43".33406M.x64

Running this from CMD comes back with Inventory failed for Node - Reason: Inventory Error

Raw Execution Log

START|'SUM 8.4.0."43".33406M.x64'|07-30-2019 05:26:19 pm'
07302019-172619|07302019-172619|0|'IP:'|0|0|Server: nclconclrds01<br>Current Directory: S:/sum/packages.
07302019-172623|07302019-172623|0|'RP:l2'|2|2|Repository E:/packages: Add failed. *** This comes back as a failure but I can see in the manifest it has done the inventory on the spp packages directory ***
07302019-172655|07302019-172655|0|'IP:'|0|2|Remote Host *IP Removed*: Host type is VMWARE.
07302019-172707|07302019-172707|0|'IP:'|0|1|Host*IP Removed*:: Core discovery started.
07302019-172759|07302019-172759|0|'IP:'|2|1|Host*IP Removed*:: Core discovery failed.
07302019-172759|07302019-172759|0|'IP:'|2|0|Host*IP Removed*:: Discovery failed. Cannot continue with this host.
07302019-172802|07302019-172802|0|'IP:'|0|0|Exit code : 3, Exit Message : The node is up-to-date. No update is required.
END|'07-30-2019 05:28:03 pm'

The fustrating thing is the end of this log says all good nothing to do where I know there are firmware packages that need to be ran from this spp on the destination host.

Has anyone had this working?

I am currently targeting an ESXi 6.0 Update 3 host.

KInd Regards

Martin Brown

DP380 g7 drive cage installtion



I'm looking for instruction how to mount drive cage option in DL380 g7 server. What parts do I need? Is some diffrence between primary and secondary cages?  Maybe you can give me link to manuals?

ML310e Gen8 v2 - which raid controller compatible


Hello all

I need some help on a ML310e Gen8 v2. I am new to HP Servers

I need to present a quotation for an upgrade.

I can't find available old P222 or P420 which are in the compatibility list

The only controller that I can get is the P440 (820834-B21)

Is this compatible with this Server - (OS is ESXi 5.5 - don't want to change if I can help it).

I was considering this controller with two "HPE 480GB SATA RI SFF SC DS SSD" (P04474-B21).

I have another problem: the cage is LFF, I was considering not connecting the SSDs to the backplane and using a Mini SAS to 4xSata cable. Any advice on this ?

Thank you


DL360 gen6 won't stay on


I have an old DL360 gen6 I use as my home lab. It's been working fine for a couple of years, but about six months ago it developed a problem: It won't stay on if I press the power button. If I disconnect it from power and leave it alone for a month or two, it may start once or twice, but then it'll be back to the same problem.

I've added a second PS (both are 750W). I've tried either and both. I've swapped them around.
I've stripped the hardware down to its minimum configuration.
I've tried different memory modules.
I've removed and reseated the riser card, the fans, and every connector I could find.
I've used an APC UPS as the power source, and I've used straight-from-the wall utility power.
The temperature in the room is well below 30C (more like 18C).
I've verified that the power button isn't jammed by dust bunnies.
I've removed both PS and the battery, and left the server for up to 24 hours before trying again.
I've tried powering on the server without the battery installed.
I've tried clearing the NVRAM (both dip switch #6, and switches #1, 5, and 6).
I've tried double-tapping the power button (suggested in a post by someone with the same problem).

Diagnostics: After plugging power back in, the power button is amber and the external health LED is off. If I press the power button once (briefly), the server tries to power on. I can hear the fans start to spin up, then back down. This repeats a few times. Once this starts, the external health LED starts blinking red. The power button cycles between amber and green for each attempt. The LEDs on the PS turn steady green for each attempt, but turn off in between attempts. The connected monitor reports no signal.

If I press and hold the power button the server will stay on for approximately 4.5 seconds. During this time the fans will spin up to full speed, the power button turns solid green, the external health LED turns solid green, the PS LEDs stay green. The server powers back down after about 4.5 seconds even if I'm still pressing the power button. The power button turns back to amber and the external health LED turns off (no more red light). The whole time, the monitor reports no signal.

If I continuously tap the power button about once or twice per second I can keep the server powered on for as long as I like, with the fans spinning at full speed, and with all external LEDs green. Again, no signal to the monitor.

The internal LEDs on the motherboard always show the following pattern after an attempt to power on the server: The two LEDs closest to the MSB label on the board are blinking. If I understand correctly, this translates to 11000000 in binary, or C0 in hex, which I can't find mentioned anywhere. Am I interpreting this correctly?

The little diagnostics drawer shows all clear, except when the server is trying to power on. Then it shows a very brief amber LED for each PS, which then turn off, and also green flashing LEDs indicating traffic for both NICs (which are both plugged into a switch). That's it. No interlock, no proc, no memory indication.

iLO2 (v2.33) is working just fine, but the logs are empty. The Event log simply shows me logging in, link up, and so on. The IML has a single line saying it was cleared. This doesn't change no matter how many times I try to power the server on, or how.

I'm at a loss for what to try next. I could buy a used motherboard on eBay, but I fear it'll just have the same problem. From googling, I've found that I'm not the only one with this problem, so it could be a case of degrading components on the motherboard.

Suggestions? Thanks!

garantie HPE


Bonjour, Est ce que quelqu'un peut me dire est ce que la " Smart Storage batterie" du Proliant DL380 Gen9 est garantie 3ans comme tout le serveur. car j'ai un problème avec l'un de mes client et sa batterie storage est a sec après moins de 2ans de fonctionnement. merci de m'eclairer


Google Translation

Hello, Can anyone tell me is that the "Smart Storage Battery" of the Proliant DL380 Gen9 is guaranteed
3 years like the whole server. because I have a problem with one of my client and its battery
storage is dry after less than 2 years of operation. thank you to enlighten me


Resetting HPE iLO 4 password?


Hi All,

Can someone please send me the steps to reset the HPE iLO 4 password for HPE DL 360 G9 servers?

I cannot find the details as my predecessor left.

Thanks in advance.

Help with DL20 Gen10 ilo5 AHCI - Fans at 43%


Hi there,

currently we´ve a problem with our new DL20 Gen10 Servers. As usual we switched the onboard controller from HP Raid to AHCI (done with all DL20 Gen9 before), but the Gen10 run their fans always at around 43 percent which isn´t very helpful. As OS ist currently openSuSE Leap 15.1 installed (tried Centos7, Tumbleweed 15.1, Ubuntu 18.04LTS), but none of them helped in our case.

At further investigation of the problem i saw that ipmitool shows the the sensor readings of HD Max and AHCI HD Max show "N/A", which seems happing when you switch from Raid to AHCI (in Raid-Mode the fans are nearly silent).As far as i currently discovered it seems the ilo doesn´t report the values to the system in AHCI mode. Why this happens, i don´t know.

We also updated the ilo firmware to the newest version (former hint to get maybe rid of the problem) but didn´t help either.


Maybe someone here knows what else we could do ?

Thanks in advance,


HP ProLiant ML350p Gen8 - How to power second SFF drive bay? No spare 10 pin power connector


I’m stuck on figuring out how to add on a second drive bay to my HP ProLiant ML350p Gen8 server. 

I've got the second SFF drive bay installed (HP ML350 E/P G8 8x SFF Drive Cage wih SAS Backplane 660348-001), and I've got a Smart Array controller (HP Smart Array P420/1GB FBWC Controller) on order, plus some longer mini-SAS cables, and that’s all fine.
The problem is power. Each of the SFF drive bays has a 10 pin power connector. However the ML350p Gen8 only has a single 10 pin power connector, and that’s occupied by the cable to the first drive bay. How on earth are you supposed to power a second (or third) drive bay? There's a number of white and black 8 pin power connectors, but not 10 any more 10 pin connectors. And my google-fu seems fall apart when looking for an 8 pin to 10 pin power cable that could possibly solve this problem. There's got to be something much more straightforward I'm missing!


P420 without Flash


I've just recived my DL380e Gen8 (My first server).

If I try to change the configuration (using the ssacli tool) I get the following reslut:

# ssacli controller all modify hbamode=on forced

Smart Array P420 in Slot 1 (sn: PDSXK0BRH5Q1O7)

CACHE STATUS PROBLEM DETECTED: The controller is disabled because the cache
module is not attached. Please re-attach the
cache module to re-enable the controller.


How do I get it to work WITHOUT a cache?

HP DL380 Gen9 wont see my P822 in Smart Array


I have a DL380 with a HP P822 in PCIE Slot 1, I have installed the latest SPP, downloaded and applied the latest VIB for ESXi 6.7.0 but cant seem to see the card after running `./opt/smartstorageadmin/ssacli/bin/ssacli controller all show config` will output:

Error: No controllers detected. Possible causes:
- The driver for the installed controller(s) is not loaded.
- On LINUX, the scsi_generic (sg) driver module is not loaded.
See the README file for more details.


  Im trying to force it in HBA mode. After upgrading everything to the latest version I can no longer see the card in the Smart Administrator Embedded App. It is connected to the backplane in the DL and 2 E Ports connect into a Lenovo SA120, then I have a single SAS into port 1 of the mobo. Anyone know what I can do to get this to work properly?


Clarify PCIE 4X slots type ML350. G5


Proliant ML350 G5.   395566-003 MB  Win server 2008 R2.  There are 3 short black slots marked PCIE 4X and 3 white PCI-X slots.   The black slots have a short section first followed by a much longer section after the notch.   The PCIE 4X cards available seem to be the reverse -  longer section first but still shorter than the long section on the black slot.   I would like to put a USB card in one of these slots (the onboard is mostly usb 1.1  and when you insert stuff it says device not recognized usually).   Are these slots an outdated version of the PCIE?  I have seen one USB 3.1 card with the short front slot but the longer section is still shorter than the slot it would go in.  The rest have the long slot first so they certainly won't fit.   Not sure what to look for.  I think the notches maybe distinguish 3..3V from 5V?  Clarification appreciated.   The PCI-X 133 slot has an unused scsi card (maybe was for a tape backup) which I plan to remove and try an old Soundblaster card.   That leaves the 2 PCI-x 100 slots.  I have a double notched usb card that says it is PCI but the notches don't line up.  

(Bios / Firmware / SPP) update should be in order??


Hi guys.

I am going to update my DL380 Gen 9 server and I was wondering that if I have to update the bios, firmware, etc. in order (like first 1.2 then go 1.3 then 1.4 and goes..) or just updating it to the latest version should do the job?

Many thanks in advance.
Sohrab Khani

RAID on HP ProLiant ML 350 G6


My HP server has RAID set up and from what i see,  some RAID  lights are off.Another Drive shows RED.

How do i go about this?

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